"BOOSTED.exe" USB Flash Drive

More about the release

"BOOSTED" is a collaborative album and malevolent viral entity conjured through the combined effort of Brooklyn-based musicians MURDERPACT and TRNGS, digital artist Mark Fingerhut, and graphic designer Brian Mark. Meeting online in 2018 and sharing a few stages in 2019, the dawn of 2020 found these three musicians employed at the same venue and presented with an opportunity; the venue’s brief sponsorship by Red Bull. This granted the trio a full day of recording time at NYC’s Red Bull Studios to produce music for some sort of venue-curated series.

The studio session actually happened, yielding hours of high fidelity recordings; dense electroacoustic improvisations; ancient-alien ritual beats and futuristic power jazz. BOOSTED falls somewhere between Autechre, Miles Davis' Electric Band and Boredoms, divided into three BPM’s; 140, 160, and 180.

However, weeks later a pandemic gripped the planet. The venue closed, the trio quarantined, Red Bull’s music program was shelved and its studio shuttered forever. The trio retained the recordings and immediately set out to sculpt something far greater and stranger from the sludge. In the intervening four years, audio from the session was sent back and forth across the globe, rearranged, mixed, remixed, chopped, looped, layered, broken into stems, and reassembled to create BOOSTED.

BOOSTED is available as a digital download and in the form of a possessed flash drive spawning a tightly orchestrated and visually punishing piece of malware that arrests control of the user's desktop for the album's duration.

Designed by artist Mark Fingerhut, the software incorporates images of insects, cars, cosmic entities, natural anomalies and linguistic symbols are streamed to the user in rapid succession, while computer windows, error messages, notepad windows and loading bars dance across the desktop in lockstep with the thematic movements of the music.

The result is a brutal software experience whose classification lives somewhere between a music video, a game, a drug, and a visualizer. At the end, the three audio files are deposited onto the user's desktop, along with some illustrations from designer Brian Mark.

29 Speedway is a record label and performance series featuring forward-thinking improvisational music and live multimedia. Founded in 2020 by Ben Shirken (a.k.a. Ex Wiish), 29S serves as a platform for artists exploring the fringes of interdisciplinary music and art. Since 2021, 29S has hosted over shows worldwide and released records with various experimental artists in NYC and beyond, working with artists such as James K, Kiernan Laveaux, Flora Yin Wong, AceMo, Arushi Jain, Poncili Creación, Young Boy Dancing Group, and Evicshen. 29S has curated multimedia performances at Dripping Music & Arts Festival, WSA, Rhizome, Pioneer Works, Market Hotel, IRL Gallery, Public Records, Light And Sound Design, and across Europe, and has been featured in Document Journal, Resident Advisor, Paper Magazine, ID Japan, Bandcamp, Artnet, Futurism Restated and First Floor. We operate on the fringes of avant-garde, improvisational, and club music.

Record details

Music, Art, Technology
Release Date
19 November 2024
Catalog Number


Created by

"BOOSTED" is a collaborative album and malevolent viral entity conjured through the combined effort of Brooklyn-based musicians MURDERPACT and TRNGS, digital artist Mark Fingerhut, and graphic designer Brian Mark. Out on 29 Speedway, the record is available in the form of a possessed .exe file, spawning a tightly orchestrated piece of malware.

Collected by
Collected by
Limited run of 30